What Are The Seven Tests of Just Cause in Discipline?
Notice: Was an employee adequately warned of the consequences of his/her conduct? A "warning" may not be necessary for certain conduct that is so serious and clearly wrong that the employee would be expected to know that such conduct could lead to disciplinary...
How to Turn Your Employees Into Fans
It's nice to have people who enjoy their jobs. It's even better when they are fans. CEOs want the best people to work for their companies. But ideally, you want people who not only are good at what they do but also are fans of the business. Is it possible to have...
Can you fire a pregnant employee?
HR Fact Pattern: I was an assistant manager at a restaurant in California. I’m pregnant and have noticed that my general manager began treating me strangely. Then they promoted an employee to be assistant manager, then another day a new person was hired as assistant...

A Bit About the Author
Hanna Yurkovetskaya is a driven young woman with a passion for Human Resources like no other. Having originally graduated with a degree in Criminal Justice, Hanna has always been on the road to help individuals fight for what is right. She has set out to help people...